Monil & Cameron

November 28–30, 2025 • Varca, Goa, India
260 Days To Go!

Monil & Cameron

November 28–30, 2025 • Varca, Goa, India
260 Days To Go!

Q + A

When should I RSVP by?

Please RSVP by May 1, 2025 so that we can have an accurate headcount for planning purposes.

Do I need a Visa to travel to India from the USA?

India requires an e-Visa for all US passport travelers: A visa can be applied for up to 120 days prior to your departure date and is good for up to 5-years.

Can I bring a +1?

The venue and provided rooms have strict headcount limitations. Please check your invite for an included +1.

What will the weather be like?

Goa is a tropical destination, expect it to be warm with some humidity! Light, breezy clothes work best.

What is the schedule like?

A detailed schedule will be posted soon. There will be events from 3 pm onwards on the 28th and all-day on the 29th.

I want to travel around India - where should I go?

Suggested itineraries will be posted soon.

What should I wear?

Dress codes and color palettes will be provided soon. In the meantime, please reach out to Cameron or Monil with any questions.

Whom should I contact with additional questions?

Please reach out to Cameron at

Do I need to book accommodation?

RSVP-ed guests will be provided with accommodation for the nights of Nov. 28 and Nov. 29. Check-in is 3 p.m. and check-out is at 11 a.m. Guests arriving early will be provided with early check-in based on room availability. Activities will start soon after check-in.

Do I need cash to get by?

Goa and India are both primarily cash based for getting around. Goa is taxi-based, while other cities have Uber. ATMs are a great way to grab some cash on arrival. At the hotel, credit card is universally accepted.

Can I drink the water?

It's safest to consume bottled water. The hotel and events will have plenty of bottled water on hand.